
If there's one thing I've always enjoyed writing, it's some poetry. It's often therapeutic to write down your thoughts and channel the energies into something that others may enjoy over time. If you like what you see and wish to obtain some more, please use the contact me page to do so. Thank you.

The last five years' worth of poetry are archived below (apart from April 2021 and January 2024, no poems those months) which you can also check out:


Here's the poems for February 2025:

Leaving The Sea

It is time to head away from home
As you make your new life and career
But there is something that makes you wonder
Whether anyway will hold you as dear
As the gentle lapping of the waves
As you walk down the promenade tonight
Looking wistfully out to sea as you do so
Knowing that this place has done you right
A home to always call your home
As you watch the sunset come in
The peaceful early Spring setting
Without any tourists here within
Somewhere that you have lived and grown
And a place that you will always see
Being one that will become your safe place
And part of your life and history
There's something special about here
Which you will always have in your heart
As the city calls you for your new job
Making a difficult decision and fresh start
As you look to the sea for one last time
You know one day you will be back
But leaving the sea has proven so hard
But you know you're on the right track.

(If you live in a peaceful setting by the sea, that isn't over-run too much by tourism, moving from there to a big city for a job and missing that special place of home must be difficult. I can only imagine.)

Back to the Office

The direction has come your way
That there are more days needed back in the office
This is something which you know causes debate
As people have worked fine where they are, it does suffice
There's a balancing act to be had by some
And the potential costs of childcare and commuting
Means it's not the same fit for everyone
Having a gossip by the water machine each morning
Some jobs you cannot do at all remotely anyway
But for those that can, it has helped them make a life choice
To have more family time and a work life balance
And make them more effective without all the noise
But imposing five days a week definitely doesn't work
It just means that you will end up driving people away
Because work is something that you want to do well
But feel restricted by the choice if it doesn't pay.

(It's a difficult decision for businesses to make to get people back in the office more these days - do you risk losing staff who have got used to hybrid or remote working and are good at what they do, or do you want people to be more together in person? A lot of tough decisions and I suspect plenty will be debating it this year.)

A Way Back Into Love

Don't write me off just yet
I know I can write something to dance
You may have killed off my plants
But I really would love another chance
Life has changed for the better
Since your smile has greeted my day
It gives me the inspiration I need
To get sat by the grand piano and play
There's a feeling I have which is good
And that's with you by my side
Working out the way the song goes
And ensuring those lyrics hit their stride
No more shanti shanti here
But instead a song of pure joy and love
Sung the way it was meant to be
And giving the heart a fluttering from above.

(Unashamedly, I love the film Music and Lyrics. With its nod to the 1980s and also Drew Barrymore being especially funny and lovely in it - and the chemistry with Hugh Grant works when you think it shouldn't. Definitely worth a re-watch in my view.)

The Line Has Been Drawn

Your favourite artist will be playing
At an arena near you in a few months' time
The excitement had been somewhat palpable
As you awaited the pre-sale ticket showtime
But alas as you eventually enter the side
You can confront what was your biggest fear
The prices are just way too expensive
And so you decide that it's just too dear
As much as you like the artist in question
The line has been drawn in terms of cost
So much more you could do with your money
And make it feel more valuable instead of a loss
As the concert date draws near, you're resigned
In that you cannot justify the expense anymore
So you will just play the albums on the night instead
Wishing that you could be by the stage door.

(The costs of a number of concert tickets have meant, for many people including myself, the line has been drawn and anything too expensive just means it is ruled out. All that will happen is that Ticketbastards get richer whilst the artists get poorer - with less full venues and less atmosphere because real life choices have had to be made.)

Valentine's Cat Haiku

Brian wants cuddles
He knows it is time for love
Miaowing with joy.

(Brian the cat loves nothing more than massive cuddles from his Mummy. And well why not?)